Pests and pollinators in the arabica coffee producing hub of Mt Elgon region, Uganda.

My PhD project focusses on pests and pollinators in the arabica coffee producing hub of Mt Elgon region, Uganda. Blog by Esther Patricia Adoch, PhD research fellow, AfPEC Project, Makerere University, Uganda Participating in a field reconnaissance trip organised by Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project between 21st and 27th September 2024 in Mt Elgon region was an experience that saw a rich blend of expertise from different stake holders including seniors without borders, forests of the world, Youth Leading Environmental Change (YLEC), Professors from Aarhus University, Professors from Makerere University, Masters AfPEC fellows from Aarhus University,…

Exploring Opportunities in Coffee Agroforestry: My AfPEC PhD Journey

Starting on my PhD journey under the AfPEC project is an exciting and fulfilling experience. My research focuses on exploring opportunities within the coffee agroforestry value chain in the Mount Elgon region in Eastern Uganda, a study close to my heart given the region’s economic and ecological significance. Blog by Patrick Kayima, PhD student, Makerere University Coffee agroforestry represents a sustainable solution to many of the challenges faced by farmers, including climate variability and market instability. By combining coffee with trees, this practice not only improves biodiversity and soil health but also provides additional revenue streams for farmers. I am…

Understanding of soil carbon, structure and biodiversity in Coffea arabica agroforestry

Understanding of soil carbon, structure and biodiversity in Coffea arabica agroforestry systems in Mt Elgon, Uganda, for improved climate change mitigation and adaptation in combination with biodiversity conservation Blog by Derick Kisegu, Phd student on the AfPEC project Tree planting and retention on coffee farms (coffee agroforestry) have taken a center stage in many coffee growing countries. Nongovernmental organizations at all levels, government institutions and farmers themselves have stepped up efforts to plant trees on coffee farms. Diverse tree species are planted for diverse reasons including climate change mitigation and adaptation. Indeed, Agroforestry is a scalable and feasible approach to…

Exploring incentives for stewardship in coffee agroforestry among farmers in the Mt. Elgon region

Blog by Joyce Lunyolo, PhD student, Makerere University Just started as a PhD student, I am excited to share my first experience so far as an AfPEC fellow. The experience has been amazing, educative and insightful. Focusing on motivation and stewardship in arabica coffee agroforestry as one of the main sub-themes of the AfPEC project, my passion has grown deeply into understanding and learning more about the subject. I am very optimistic about contributing greatly towards addressing hindrances to sustainable stewardship actions in coffee agroforestry for increased productivity and improved livelihoods. I am also under the mentorship and guidance of…

AfPEC fieldwork

The AfPEC fieldwork has been started in one of the Mt Elgon communities, Sipi, by three master students, Emilie, Josephine and Mathilde.

AfPEC kick-off worshop in Mbale, Uganda.

AfPEC works to document the effects of agroforestry in terms of ecosystem services and livelihood benefits around Mt Elgon in Uganda. You can read more on Makerere University homepage

Collaboration with Frellsen Kaffe

AfPEC coordinates with Frellsen Kaffe that runs development projects on sustainable coffee in the same area and works to establish import of sustainable forest-coffee from Mt Elgon, Uganda.

Project start

The AfPEC projects starts the 1. of April 2024. Having three universites and three NGOs as partners, AfPEC combines research and agroforestry in practice.