
Exploring Opportunities in Coffee Agroforestry: My AfPEC PhD Journey

Starting on my PhD journey under the AfPEC project is an exciting and fulfilling experience. My research focuses on exploring opportunities within the coffee agroforestry value chain in the Mount Elgon region in Eastern Uganda, a study close to my heart given the region’s economic and ecological significance.

Blog by Patrick Kayima, PhD student, Makerere University

Coffee agroforestry represents a sustainable solution to many of the challenges faced by farmers, including climate variability and market instability. By combining coffee with trees, this practice not only improves biodiversity and soil health but also provides additional revenue streams for farmers. I am focusing on three main areas; understanding gender dynamics within the value chain, evaluating the effectiveness of direct-to-market approaches, and exploring the market potential of coffee agroforestry co-products (by-products and secondary products) like Cascara (pulp from coffee berries prepared as a tee).

So far, the journey has involved engaging deeply with the literature, refining my research questions, and conducting a reconnaissance in preparation for primary data collection. I am fascinated by the complexity of the coffee value chain and the untapped opportunities that can empower local communities, especially women and youth, who are integral to its success.

Looking ahead, I am eager to contribute meaningful insights into the coffee agroforestry sector by addressing key areas for positive transformation. My research aims to highlight gender equity by analysing how gender-specific factors influence market participation and identifying strategies to empower women and ensure equitable opportunities across the value chain. Additionally, it seeks to promote sustainability by evaluating direct-to-market approaches and by-product utilisation, offering innovative ways to enhance profitability and resilience for smallholder farmers. Finally, by providing empirical data, this study will strengthen policy and practice, informing recommendations that foster inclusivity, sustainability, and long-term growth within the sector.

Through collaboration with stakeholders, including local farmer groups coordinated by Seniors Without Borders and Youth Leading Environmental Change, I anticipate transformative outcomes that will uplift both individuals and communities in the Mount Elgon Region.

I extend my appreciation to the AfPEC project and DANIDA for funding this study. Your support goes beyond financial assistance; it is an opportunity for scholars like me who aspire to make a difference. I am particularly thankful to my supervisors at Makerere University, Aarhus University, and the University of Copenhagen, whose guidance is instrumental in shaping my research.

To my fellow researchers and the broader AfPEC community, your commitment to agroforestry and sustainable development inspires me every day. Together, we are building a future in which people, ecosystems, and the climate thrive in harmony.

As I progress with this, I welcome insights, feedback, and collaboration from everyone passionate about agroforestry, sustainability, and community empowerment. Let us continue to explore and unlock the immense potential of coffee agroforestry for a better future!